
Monday 24 June 2013

Latest software measure your pulse, detect heart abnormalities with smartphone camera

Hahaha, what more can we expect from Science? Science have given us a way to live a new kind of life isn't it?? Day by day its getting modernize with the compatibility of human brain.Now via a simple smartphone how can we predict a heart pumping rate or detect a disease....lets see here guys.

A group of researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) showed us
just how easy it is to "see" a human heartbeat in ordinary video footage.

The release from MIT on this work mentions that the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) — the moment-to-moment deviations from constancy — can be used to diagnose potential heart issues. The researchers note that the true margin of error for their methods could be a few beats per minute. While that may seem pretty good as far as getting an overall pulse rate for everyday curiosity, it could be a problem if you want to try to extract inter-beat variability. At issue is the fact that the noise that is introduced by those few questionable beats could easily swamp and confound the real HRV signal.

Now a question must be tickling your brain nerves how this software or rather i say this HRV signal gets operated? Am i right? Lets see --

We could measure each beat-to-beat delay for example, bin them up in a histogram, and report a standard deviation or RMS (Root-Mean-Square) value. Alternatively, a fancier frequency domain analysis can be done to generate a power spectrum.

While most of the finesse in these techniques is in the software, successful signal extractions of this kind are ultimately driven by the sensor hardware. If an ordinary smartphone camera can already do a decent job, we can imagine the level of detail that more dedicated remote sensors might be able gather. Finer-grained spatial detection, and thermal analysis, might reveal slight asymmetries in per fusion of the face to paint a clearer picture of vascular health.

A quick and harmless laser pulse to the skin would evaporate hundreds of unique molecules readily available to be vacuumed up and analyzed. "Taking" such readings more-or-less covertly need not always be seen as suspicious. They may come to be normal conversational facilitators that amplify the feedback we already give, consciously or not, to indicate receptiveness.

While most of these things will be of little practicality to us, to our avatar and machine creations searching to understand human emotional virtuosity, they will likely be immensely interesting.

Bye for now,
Anuttam :)

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